


出版:日月文化 / EZ叢書館
作者:Grant Sundbye,LookLook English
檔案格式: PDF/EPUB(適合手機)




在LinkedIn的SSI排名前1%的專業商用英文老師Grant Sundbye,

不緊急的事情也回 as soon as possible?
和同事相約聚餐也說 appointment?
超時工作到底是 overwork 還是 overtime?
說了I understand well,卻只是和客戶雞同鴨講?



書中共有十篇主題對話,從主角智媛在Chapter 1的面試到Chapter 10的海外商務會議,讓讀者學習時不再是死板地背誦例句,而是彷彿進入智媛的職場生活,跟著她一起學習到面試、簡報、聚餐、虛擬會議、客戶協商等實用的職場英文!



1.在回信的最後用「I’m waiting for your response.」做結尾,會給人有點無禮又生硬的感覺。
錯誤用法:I’ll be waiting for your reply.
正確用法:I look forward to hearing back from you! (formal) 期待收到你的回覆!

2.appointment適合用於接待或交易等特定情況,不適合用於以友誼為目的,輕鬆見面的關係。如果是與某人輕鬆地見面,可以直接說出見面後要做的事(如 have coffee、have dinner 等),或是使用 hang out、meet up 等表達方式。
錯誤用法:I’m really sorry, but I can’t attend our appointment tonight because my son is sick at home.
正確用法:I’m really sorry, but I can’t have dinner with you all tonight because my son is sick at home. 真的很抱歉,我兒子生病在家,所以我今天沒辦法跟大家一起吃晩餐了。



Chloe Park|三星電子,資深UI設計師
Jin Hyeonjeong|百靈佳殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim),通路行銷經理
Chelsea 英文喬起來|商務英文
Jen 林俐吟|Jen Academy 創辦人、企業英文講師

「由於計劃要移居美國,所以我想準備英文面試。在課堂上,我的英文履歷經過多次修正,並能用更有條理的回答來應付面試。……課後我還收到了幫我糾正口語與文法錯誤的回饋筆記。我敢說在我見過的英文老師中,Grant是最棒的。我強烈推薦。」—Chloe Park|三星電子,資深UI設計師

「能遇到Grant真是太幸運了!我在跨國企業工作了好幾年,還是對英文相當沒有自信。透過Grant的課程,才讓我掌握了自己常犯的錯誤,並且能逐漸改善這些錯誤。」—Jin Hyeonjeong|百靈佳殷格翰(Boehringer Ingelheim),通路行銷經理

「在線上教商用英文的這幾年,發現學生常把以前學校考英文的模式,誤認為你需要的職場英文,連帶沒了開口的勇氣。英文要像新聞稿一樣華麗?No no!日常商用英文實用最重要。這本書給了很多可以即看即用的好例句,從日常辦公室溝通、會議討論、電子郵件等,本書的內容都會讓你有『喔~原來這樣講就可以了!』背單字就是要中英對照?本書有許多常見的誤用解說很值得細讀,因為我們都愛用中文解釋背單字,所以有很多中文母語者很常誤用的混淆字,書中都有清楚解釋,加上工作情境的例句幫你更了解。」—Chelsea 英文喬起來|商務英文



Chapter 1 錯誤的介系詞 Preposition Mistakes
1 ask to / for / about
2 prepare / prepare for
3 share / share with
4 contact / call to
5 search / search for
6 go / go to / go on
7 think / think about
8 check / check on / check with
9 answer / respond / reply
10 agree with / to / on / about
11listen / listen to
12 access / access to
13 invest / invest in
14 familiar with / to
15 pay / pay for
16 grow / grow up

Chapter 2 錯誤的冠詞與限定詞 Article and Determiner Mistakes
1 most / most of
2 on / in / at for time
3 for / since
4 this / last / next replacing on / in
5 a / an
6 using ‘the’
7 on the Internet
8 similar with / to, different from / than
9 by / until
10 still / until
11 during / for / while
12 another / other / the other
13 besides / except

Chapter 3 近似表達的誤用1 Word Set Mistakes 1
1 take care of / care for / care about
2 wish / hope
3 similar / same
4 price / cost / fee
5 revenue / profit
6 convenient / comfortable
7 economy / finance
8 company / office / industry
9 believe / believe in / trust

Chapter 4 近似表達的誤用2 Word Set Mistakes 2
1 fun / funny
2 hear / listen / understand
3 say / talk / tell / speak / discuss / debate
4 toilet / restroom / bathroom
5 trip / travel / tour / journey / vacation
6 remember / remind / memory / memorize
7 lend / loan / borrow
8 wage / salary / income / paycheck
9 complain / criticize / confront

Chapter 5 不自然的表達 Unnatural Mistakes
1 I am sorry / I feel sorry for
2 answering ‘or’ questions
3 How’s your condition?
4 I am (name)
5 I am okay / That’s okay / It’s okay
6 Do you know ~?
7 negative questions
8 I don’t care
9 as soon as possible
10 in touch
11 take a rest
12 I understand well.
13 I’m waiting for your response.
14 have a good time

Chapter 6 文法錯誤PART 1 Grammar Mistakes Part 1
1 comparative sentences
2 I am difficult / hard / easy / convenient / inconvenient
3 seem / seem like
4 passive sentences
5 using intransitive verbs
6 using transitive verbs
7 including questions in statements
8 first / at first / the first time
9 each / every
10 all the time / every time
11 gerunds and infinitives
12 adjectives involving numbers
13 using size adjectives

Chapter 7文法錯誤PART 2 Grammar Mistakes Part 2
1 explaining frequency
2 using ‘mean’
3 your saying
4 all / every not / not all / every
5 I am late for 5 minutes.
6 one of (something)
7 -ed / -ing for adjectives
8 ages, quantities, lengths of time
9 using two words with the same function
10 using intensifiers
11 forgetting determiners
12 talking ‘in general’

Chapter 8 詞彙選擇錯誤 Word Choice Mistakes
1 question
2 menu
3 schedule
4 shocked
5 cheer up
6 expect
7 almost
8 organize
9 cheap
10 appointment
11 fresh
12 satisfied
13 matter
14 moment
15 overwork
16 promotion
17 retire
18 bear
19 point out

Chapter 9 與數字相關的錯誤 Number Related Mistakes
1 large numbers
2 decimals and rounding
3 percentages
4 saying dates
5 saying years
6 saying fractions

Chapter 10 實用的商務英文詞彙 Useful Business English Words
1 significantly / significant
2 positively / negatively impact
3 objective / subjective
4 indefinitely
5 commute
6 innovation
7 unfortunately
8 pros and cons
9 commit
10 hesitant
11 clarify
12 mandatory
13 assertive
14 proactive
15 stand out
16 micromanage
17 delegate
18 maximize / minimize
19 elaborate
20 opportunity
21 scale up
22 insight

What Now?!


Chapter 1 錯誤的介系詞 Preposition Mistakes
1 ask to / for / about
2 prepare / prepare for
3 share / share with
4 contact / call to
5 search / search for
6 go / go to / go on
7 think / think about
8 check / check on / check with
9 answer / respond / reply
10 agree with / to / on / about
11listen / listen to
12 access / access to
13 invest / invest in
14 familiar with / to
15 pay / pay for
16 grow / grow up

Chapter 2 錯誤的冠詞與限定詞 Article and Determiner Mistakes
1 most / most of
2 on / in / at for time
3 for / since
4 this / last / next replacing on / in
5 a / an
6 using ‘the’
7 on the Internet
8 similar with / to, different from / than
9 by / until
10 still / until
11 during / for / while
12 another / other / the other
13 besides / except

Chapter 3 近似表達的誤用1 Word Set Mistakes 1
1 take care of / care for / care about
2 wish / hope
3 similar / same
4 price / cost / fee
5 revenue / profit
6 convenient / comfortable
7 economy / finance
8 company / office / industry
9 believe / believe in / trust

Chapter 4 近似表達的誤用2 Word Set Mistakes 2
1 fun / funny
2 hear / listen / understand
3 say / talk / tell / speak / discuss / debate
4 toilet / restroom / bathroom
5 trip / travel / tour / journey / vacation
6 remember / remind / memory / memorize
7 lend / loan / borrow
8 wage / salary / income / paycheck
9 complain / criticize / confront

Chapter 5 不自然的表達 Unnatural Mistakes
1 I am sorry / I feel sorry for
2 answering ‘or’ questions
3 How’s your condition?
4 I am (name)
5 I am okay / That’s okay / It’s okay
6 Do you know ~?
7 negative questions
8 I don’t care
9 as soon as possible
10 in touch
11 take a rest
12 I understand well.
13 I’m waiting for your response.
14 have a good time

Chapter 6 文法錯誤PART 1 Grammar Mistakes Part 1
1 comparative sentences
2 I am difficult / hard / easy / convenient / inconvenient
3 seem / seem like
4 passive sentences
5 using intransitive verbs
6 using transitive verbs
7 including questions in statements
8 first / at first / the first time
9 each / every
10 all the time / every time
11 gerunds and infinitives
12 adjectives involving numbers
13 using size adjectives

Chapter 7文法錯誤PART 2 Grammar Mistakes Part 2
1 explaining frequency
2 using ‘mean’
3 your saying
4 all / every not / not all / every
5 I am late for 5 minutes.
6 one of (something)
7 -ed / -ing for adjectives
8 ages, quantities, lengths of time
9 using two words with the same function
10 using intensifiers
11 forgetting determiners
12 talking ‘in general’

Chapter 8 詞彙選擇錯誤 Word Choice Mistakes
1 question
2 menu
3 schedule
4 shocked
5 cheer up
6 expect
7 almost
8 organize
9 cheap
10 appointment
11 fresh
12 satisfied
13 matter
14 moment
15 overwork
16 promotion
17 retire
18 bear
19 point out

Chapter 9 與數字相關的錯誤 Number Related Mistakes
1 large numbers
2 decimals and rounding
3 percentages
4 saying dates
5 saying years
6 saying fractions

Chapter 10 實用的商務英文詞彙 Useful Business English Words
1 significantly / significant
2 positively / negatively impact
3 objective / subjective
4 indefinitely
5 commute
6 innovation
7 unfortunately
8 pros and cons
9 commit
10 hesitant
11 clarify
12 mandatory
13 assertive
14 proactive
15 stand out
16 micromanage
17 delegate
18 maximize / minimize
19 elaborate
20 opportunity
21 scale up
22 insight

What Now?!

