

Brighter Future in the West, Sure Meh?

出版:大观出版社 / Kanyin Publications
作者:Ken Soong and Michael Soong
檔案格式: PDF(適合平板)




To all the CEOs, managing directors, entrepreneurs and business owners in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, if you have loyal, proven staff and trusted lieutenants planning to leave your company not because they have irreconcilable clashes with their colleagues, the management team, board of directors or even you personally, BUT because they have plans to migrate to a foreign country, we have a book for
your staff.

Maybe you can get him or her a copy of our book entitled BRIGHTER FUTURE IN THE WEST, SURE MEH...??? TEN POINTS TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU MIGRATE TO THE WEST...
Basically, it is about some aspects of the realities of living in the West written by two Malaysians who have migrated to Australia in the early 2000s.

If after reading the ten points, your staff still want to migrate over there, that means he or she is very sure what he or she wants. As a responsible boss and concerned friend, you would have done something helpful by way of getting a copy of the book into his/her

If after reading the ten points, they have decided to stay on with your organisation, you would have not only helped them but also yourself.

In this me-me-me world, the only way to get ahead is to think you-you-you most of the time. We want you to benefit from reading our book so that you will also read our future books in time to come.

What if you bought it and you get disappointed?

We could have reminded you that in life, nothing is guaranteed and that the only guarantee in life is that we will all die. But we choose not to do that. If you really want to know if the book helps or not, just read it. We have included many useful information in every chapter to make sure that your time will not be wasted.

In this book, we shall look into the following issues:
- The Malaysia and Southeast Asia that we have
taken for granted (by the way, this book is written as a tribute to DrSurin Pitsuwan [the 12th Secretary General of ASEAN], an extraordinary Thai, Southeast Asian and a true citizen of the world)
- The West you don't see on BBC
- How to survive and even thrive without having to
migrate to the West
- Where the 'happiness' that we have been chasing
all this while can actually be found
- Some practical (but often neglected but time proven) strategies to get ahead as a migrant in the West (if you have finally decided to migrate there anyway due
to of course your unique personal situation)
- Migrating to the West works for certain people. Who are these categories of people and what are their professions and age group etc?


