

Qi Men Dun Jia Sun Tzu Warcraft

出版:Joey Yap / Joey Yap Research Group
作者:Joey Yap
檔案格式: EPUB(適合手機)




For Business, Politics and Absolute Power

The Qi Men Dun Jia Sun Tzu Warcraft by Joey Yap is the first book of its kind that elucidates Sun Tzu's Art of War in detail. All thirteen chapters of the original classic have been meticulously transliterated line by line, without losing the accuracy of its original meaning. Modern day business commentaries based on Joey Yap's personal experiences in business as a successful entrepreneur are also included, taking into account the perspective of Qi Men Dun Jia application in today's context.

This book is intended to advance practitioners to a higher level of understanding on the Art of War, and transform the knowledge into a Tool of War in business and in life.

What You`ll Learn
The original Chinese texts from the Art of War by the ancient military general and tactician, Sun Tzu.
The complete English transliteration of the classic texts.
Modern world commentaries in life and in business of every line in tthe Art of War.
The Qi Men Dun Jia application of each Sun Tzu methodology.


Chapter One: - Strategic Assessments
Comprehend the importance of Strategic Assessment and its application in today's world.

Chapter Two: - Waging War
Focuses on the cost of waging war and the need to allocate resources intelligently and in sufficient quantities for success.

Chapter Three: - Offensive Strategy
Knowing yourself, your competitors and the circumstances for a successful offensive strategy.

Chapter Four: - Deployment
Learn how to win your battles by associating characteristics of the Nine Earth & Nine Heaven with reference to the 8 Deities governance.

Chapter Five: - Force
Distinguishes the existence and utility of both the mundane (direct) and extraordinary (indirect) forces in life.

Chapter Six: - The Substantial And The Insubstantial
Understand the wisdom of pitting strength against weakness in order to achieve competitive breakthroughs.

Chapter Seven: - Fighting For Military Advantage
Learn the 3 Deceptions; Real Deception, Double Deception, and Nobility Deception in this chapter.

Chapter Eight: - The Nine Variables
Indicates whether or not the conditions at a particular time is supportive of the proposed strategic operation using the Nine Dun.

Chapter Nine: - Maneuvering Armies
Identifies negative and best avoided formations in Qi Men Dun Jia to avoid the hazards entirely or to take the necessary precautions.

Chapter Ten: - Terrain
Stresses the importance of understanding the terrain when directing troops and developing strategies.

Chapter Eleven: - Nine Grounds
Identifies the nine possible types of battleground using the Nine Palaces (known as Jiu Gong ??) in a Qi Men Dun Jia Chart.

Chapter Twelve: - Fire Attack
Identifies the effective attack execution and the outcomes of a fire attack by assessing the right elements and conditions in a Chart.

Chapter Thirteen: - Espionage
Examines the importance of gathering information about the enemy (or industrial competitors), through espionage.


Chapter One: - Strategic Assessments
Comprehend the importance of Strategic Assessment and its application in today's world.

Chapter Two: - Waging War
Focuses on the cost of waging war and the need to allocate resources intelligently and in sufficient quantities for success.

Chapter Three: - Offensive Strategy
Knowing yourself, your competitors and the circumstances for a successful offensive strategy.

Chapter Four: - Deployment
Learn how to win your battles by associating characteristics of the Nine Earth & Nine Heaven with reference to the 8 Deities governance.

Chapter Five: - Force
Distinguishes the existence and utility of both the mundane (direct) and extraordinary (indirect) forces in life.

Chapter Six: - The Substantial And The Insubstantial
Understand the wisdom of pitting strength against weakness in order to achieve competitive breakthroughs.

Chapter Seven: - Fighting For Military Advantage
Learn the 3 Deceptions; Real Deception, Double Deception, and Nobility Deception in this chapter.

Chapter Eight: - The Nine Variables
Indicates whether or not the conditions at a particular time is supportive of the proposed strategic operation using the Nine Dun.

Chapter Nine: - Maneuvering Armies
Identifies negative and best avoided formations in Qi Men Dun Jia to avoid the hazards entirely or to take the necessary precautions.

Chapter Ten: - Terrain
Stresses the importance of understanding the terrain when directing troops and developing strategies.

Chapter Eleven: - Nine Grounds
Identifies the nine possible types of battleground using the Nine Palaces (known as Jiu Gong ??) in a Qi Men Dun Jia Chart.

Chapter Twelve: - Fire Attack
Identifies the effective attack execution and the outcomes of a fire attack by assessing the right elements and conditions in a Chart.

Chapter Thirteen: - Espionage
Examines the importance of gathering information about the enemy (or industrial competitors), through espionage.


