

Qi Men Dun Jia The Doors

出版:Joey Yap / Joey Yap Research Group
作者:Joey Yap
檔案格式: EPUB(適合手機)




The Ideal Source for Everything in Qi Men

In Qi Men Dun Jia, ‘Men’ represents the 8 Doors found in each sector of a Qi Men Chart. Of all the Qi Men components, the Doors are unique for being the most visually evocative. Due to their influence on actions and events, the 8 Doors tend to have a selection of tasks and proceedings that are deemed suitable and unsuitable for, thus making them useful for a large variety of activities. Qi Men Dun Jia when translated, means “Mysterious Door Hiding the Jia” – making it obvious that the Doors play an important role in representing the state of man and everything else. These 8 Mystical Doors of Qi Men, also known as the Human Plate, govern our actions and the events surrounding our lives. When we reach for the power of the Doors, we will be able to maximize the potential of what we do, to obtain the best possible result in life.

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Doors for the first time, brings together a wealth of information on the 8 Doors for the versatile application of Qi Men. Discover and learn how to recognize and interpret the guides and wisdoms presented by these Doors, and through this process gain a deeper understanding of one’s self and the world that surrounds us.

What You`ll Learn
Comprehensive and contemporary references, as well as technical information on Qi Men application using the 8 Doors
Helpful personality and character traits based on the Door in a person’s Destiny Palace – which will assist to identify personal strengths and weaknesses, including methods of self-improvement
A wide range of reference materials with broad descriptions and information on the 8 Doors Descriptive forecast and interpretations of the 8 Doors in various interactions
Visualisations of the 8 Doors based on their respective attributes and influences, as well as descriptions of the Doors in historical or literary contexts


Chapter One: Open Door

Chapter Two: Rest Door

Chapter Three: Life Door

Chapter Four: Delusion Door

Chapter Five: Scenery Door

Chapter Six: Death Door

Chapter Seven: Fear Door

Chapter Eight: Harm Door


Chapter One: Open Door

Chapter Two: Rest Door

Chapter Three: Life Door

Chapter Four: Delusion Door

Chapter Five: Scenery Door

Chapter Six: Death Door

Chapter Seven: Fear Door

Chapter Eight: Harm Door


